Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters.

Customer Showcase #3

Even more FANTASTIC work by our talented customers!!

We love seeing the amazing work our customers are creating. Adobe Character Animator has meant those with little or no animation experience can create quality content quickly and easily.

Below are more customer created projects, all made with Adobe Character Animator. Each link will open in a new window (we want our customers to get those views!) Please consider hitting like and subscribing. If you’d like us to feature your work in our next showcase, please send a link via the contact page.


Time4Learning is one of America’s most popular homeschooling services. Time4Learning makes learning fun with over 3,500 engaging lessons that children of all ages enjoy. There are activities to develop skills and apply what they’re learning to everyday life.

ElectroPuppet have rigged puppets and animated clips directly for Time 4 Learning.

Time 4 Learning have also purchased and modified a number of the Toon Loon puppets for some of their work. Most work is behind a paywall, so can’t be shared – however Time 4 Learning have featured some clips using the Toon Loons on their YouTube channel so we can share these. The images below are from a series Time4Learning created following a madcap family who travel the country in an RV;

Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters.
Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters.
Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters.

Visit [TIME4LEARNING] on YouTube.


ProfJRock aka Associate Professor Jason Roche, from Detroit Mercy Communication Studies Department has already featured on the ElectroPuppet site. Jason actually teaches a University course using ElectroPuppet characters and has put on a film festival showcasing his students work.

Jason creates fantastic work using Adobe Character Animator, and we thought here was a great place to showcase some of Jason’s personal projects.

Jason created a hilarious short that used the voices of all his colleagues. It is in style of ‘The Office’ with a charming xmas message that really shows the care these educators have for their students and each other; 

Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters.
Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters.
PFJ 03
PFJ 04

Jason has also experimented with creating animated music videos using the Toon Loons Muso’s as well as various fun sketches and tutorials.

Be sure to check out his channel and keep up the great work Jason!


Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters. Musicians play a concert.
Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters.

Visit [ProfJRock] on YouTube.


Japan based Randy Schmidt started a YouTube channel with his son Dylan, creating epic lego and figurine adventures.

They created some really cool films using the Clay Mates, which they modified and put into new outfits! These films gained praise on the festival circuit.

Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters.

Since then Randy has gone on to create an EPIC series of animated shorts using professional voice actors. One of the Clay Mates has become an MC of this series, and a number of the Toon Loons feature, including ‘Meet the Frankensteins’ and ‘Wednesday Adams’;

Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters.
Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters.
Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters.
Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters.

Visit [RanDyLan Productions] on YouTube.


Creator Mitchell Thomas is building a growing audience on his YouTube channel. At time of writing, the channel had more than 133 thousand views! Awesome work Mitchell.

Animated Shorties features comedic skits and clips that are designed for handheld devices. Perfect for platforms like YouTube Shorts, Instagram and Tik-Tok.

Many of Mitchell’s work features puppets from ElectroPuppet.

The voice work uses AI voices – which gives the performances a great, deadpan style. The animation is fun adding great personality and joke delivery.

Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters.
Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters.
Showcase of exciting animation work created using Adobe Character Animator and ElectroPuppet characters.

If you want to beat the algorithm and have a social media presence, you need to release a lot of content on a regular basis. Using Adobe Character Animator with puppets that are loaded with pre-built replays is a brilliant way to get that content out there!

We’re grateful Mitchell found us and have really enjoyed his hilarious skits!! 

Keep up the awesome work Mitchell!!

Visit [Animated Shorts Central] on YouTube.
